Influencing for change
This section provides basic guidance about campaigning and offers practical tools and links to additional resources to develop a campaign. Campaigning helps you to change something, which would otherwise be outside of your power alone. So you campaign to persuade those with the power to make the change.
Campaigning is all about:
- the challenge;
- the solution;
- the people who have the power to make the desired change; and
- seeking to influence those people.
Download Framing the challenge for the elevator pitch and the Opposition Matrix.
Further reading
Brian Lamb (2010),
The Good Guide to Campaigning and Influencing
National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
ISBN: 978-0-7199-1807-0
Jonathan Ellis (2017),
Campaigning for Change – an Essential Guide for Campaigning around the World
ISBN: 978 1 9733 8481 6
Pathways for Change: 6 theories about how policy change happens (2009),
Organizational Research Services