Having looked at local concerns and what is, or is not being done, you make a decision about what to do next.
You have decided to create a local campaign to end street homelessness. This is a really important step and we hope that the Toolkit will support you with ideas and inspiration.
You have decided you don’t need to set up a new campaign – you may have found there’s another route that will work better for you. This could be:
- working with existing networks to improve the co-ordination of resources and services;
- changing things within your own control – we can often change more things more significantly than we think;
- working with local or national commissioners to improve approaches;
- working with another existing campaign or organisation (e.g. FEANTSA); and
- revisiting your campaign idea at a future date when you can be more confident of success.
Even if you go down a different route, you may still find some of the resources in the Toolkit useful.
Good luck!